
package deploylib

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CachedValue [A] extends AnyRef

  2. class CanceledException extends Exception

  3. case class ExecuteResponse (status: Option[Int], stdout: String, stderr: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Holds the results of the execution of a command on the remote machine.

  4. class Future [A] extends AnyRef

  5. class ParallelSeq [A] extends AnyRef

    Parallel version of seq that run the command for each item in its own thread

  6. class RemoteMachine extends AnyRef

    Provides a framework for interacting (running commands, uploading/downloading files, etc) with a generic remote machine.

  7. class RetryableException extends Exception

  8. class Service extends AnyRef

    Provides a framework for deploying and managing services.

  9. trait ServiceManager extends RemoteMachine

  10. trait Sudo extends RemoteMachine

  11. trait Taggable extends AnyRef

    A trait that allows remote machine to maintain a list of 'tags' that are stored in a file in the user home directory on the remote machine.

  12. case class UnknownResponse (er: ExecuteResponse) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object CachedValue extends AnyRef

  2. object Config extends Config

  3. object Future extends AnyRef

  4. object RemoteMachine extends AnyRef

  5. object Util extends AnyRef

    A set of utility functions for reliably running experiments.

  6. package config

  7. package ec2

  8. package mesos

  9. package rcluster

  10. package runit

  11. implicit def toParallelSeq [A] (itr: Iterable[A]): ParallelSeq[A]

    Definition Classes